Opportunities to publish the scientific papers presented at Conference
All papers presented at the Conference will be found in one of the following publications:
- in volumes in English edited by publishing houses with an international reputation in Social Sciences:
ADJURIS – International Academic Publisher Some of the papers presented at the 5th edition of the May 2022 Conference were published in the e-book Spyridon Flogaitis, Cătălin-Silviu Săraru(editors), Administrative Corpus Juris between Implementation, Reforms and Continuous Developments at ADJURIS – International Academic Publisher. This is a Publishing House specializing in the publication of academic books (treaties, monographs, courses, theses, papers submitted to international conferences and essays) in the field of social sciences, founded by the Society of Juridical and Administrative Sciences. This volume is indexed in Ebsco, ProQuest, HEINONLINE, CEEOL, RePEc, WorldCat, Copac, as well as in many international libraries and catalogs. To access the volume on the Publisher website click here. |
- in partner journals of the Conference:
JURIDICAL TRIBUNE – TRIBUNA JURIDICA Juridical Tribune Journal is published by the Law Department of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies and the Society of Juridical and Administrative Sciences. Juridical Tribune Journal publishes studies and jurisprudence analyses in all areas of legal sciences. Legal debates platform published in English, the Journal wants to reach a bridge between legal science researchers from worldwide. This journal is indexed in WEB OF SCIENCE CLARIVATE ANALYTICS (THOMSON REUTERS), SCOPUS, EBSCO, HEINONLINE, CEEOL, PROQUEST, ERIH PLUS, WORLDCAT, KVK, DOAJ, REPEC, ULRICHSWEB, INDEXCOPERNICUS, SSRN, CABELL, OAJI, VLEX as well as in many international libraries and catalogs. |
Published by the Society of Juridical and Administrative Sciences and the Law Department of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, „Perspectives of Law and Public Administration” Journal appears biannual in the online edition. This journal is indexed in international databases EBSCO, HEINONLINE, PROQUEST, CEEOL, ERIH PLUS, WORLDCAT, KVK, DOAJ, REPEC, INDEXCOPERNICUS, ULRICHSWEB, OAJI, VLEX as well as in many international libraries and catalogs.
The European Review of Public Law (ERPL) was established in 1989 to create an international forum for analysis and discussion of issues in the development of constitutional and administrative law in Europe. This Journal is published by the European Public Law Organization and is a quarterly publication. The ERPL examines a wide range of issues that relate to the European Union, the European Convention on Human Rights, the national public law and practices, as well as to their mutual interaction and influence. In addition, the Review covers other jurisdictions that interplay with the European Public Law systems and/or offer relevant comparative insights. The journal is indexed in international databases and catalogs. |
Central and Eastern European Legal Studies
The Central and Eastern European Legal Studies (CEELS) is published by the European Public Law Organization and is a biannual publication. The aim of this review is to give the opportunity to academics coming from CEE countries and also to academics from other countries specializing in the law field, to come together and exchange views on law issues of these countries. The Board of Editors is composed by renown academics from countries of the Central and Eastern Europe as well as from Western European countries, all of them specialized in the area of law. The journal is indexed in international databases and catalogs. |
Public Law Review is published by the Institute of Administrative Sciences "Paul Negulescu" and appears quarterly, addressing all categories of public law specialists, who provide current information and solutions to concrete and punctual problems, facing in daily activities. This journal is indexed in HEINONLINE, WORLDCAT, KVK as well as in many international libraries and catalogs. |
Lex localis - Journal of Local Self-Government is an international journal for the study of the law, politics, administration, and management of local affairs published four times a year (in January, April, July, and October). The journal publishes articles that contribute to the better understanding and practice of local self-government and which are of interest to scholars, policy analysts, policymakers, and practitioners. The focus of the journal is on the critical analysis of developments in local governance throughout the world. Lex localis - Journal of Local Self-Government provides a unique forum for the consideration of all issues related to sub-national levels of government. Articles appearing in Lex localis - Journal of Local Self-Government are abstracted and indexed in SOCIAL SCIENCES CITATION INDEX (SSCI) (WEB OF SCIENCE), ESSENTIAL CITATION INDEX (WEB OF SCIENCE), SCOPUS, CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, Current Geographical Publications, CSA PAIS International, Academic's OneFile (Gale), ERIH Plus, International Political Science Abstracts, ProQuest, Scopus, International Bibliography of Periodical Literature (IBZ), International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS). |
Cadernos de Dereito Actual is a scientific journal of legal nature and fully online, which is intended for all researchers, teachers and legal professionals who want to continue training in current issues related to law. It was created in 2013 with the financial support of the government of the Xunta de Galicia, Spain, specifically the Directorate General of Youth and Volunteers. It is an open access digital journal that accepts articles in Spanish, English and Portuguese. Articles are accepted from doctors of law on topics related to current law. This journal is indexed in WEB OF SCIENCE CLARIVATE ANALYTICS, ERIH Plus, WorldCat, DOAJ, MIAR as well as in many international libraries and catalogs. |
Published by the Catholic University of Petropolis in Brazil, "Lex Humana" appears quarterly in online editions. The main objective of the journal is to publish high-quality articles resulting from research and investigations in the field of social sciences, with a primary focus on law. Lex Humana is indexed in WEB OF SCIENCE CLARIVATE ANALYTICS, EBSCO LEGAL SOURCE AND LEGAL COLLECTION, PROQUEST, DOAJ, REDIB, WORLD CAT, QUALIS/CAPES. Details and instructions for authors. |
"Studia Iuridica Lublinensia" (Q2 SCOPUS CiteScore 0.7) is a scientific journal founded in 2003 at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland. The journal publishes scientific articles and commentaries on judicial decisions in the area of legal sciences (law). The journal's profile also includes scientific publications in political science and public administration, if the research results presented relate to law or if the research is carried out from the perspective of this discipline. Studia Iuridica Lublinensia is issued four times a year. The journal is on the list of scored scientific journals kept by the Minister of Education and Science and is indexed in international databases: SCOPUS; BazHum; BazEkon; Library of Science; Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ); EBSCO; Index Copernicus International (ICI Journals Master List); Google Scholar; POL-index; The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH); Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL); The European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS); Wolters Kluwer on-line (LEX); WorldCat. The journal does not charge any payment for the publication of the text. |
ACCESS TO JUSTICE IN EASTERN EUROPE (AJEE) Elevate your conference experience with AJEE, the esteemed Open Access journal and proud partner of this event. Backed by recognition from prominent databases like WEB OF SCIENCE CLARIVATE ANALYTICS and SCOPUS, AJEE is your gateway to exceptional legal scholarship in East European nations. As a conference affiliate, AJEE provides a unique platform for deliberating access to justice advancements in East Europe. Our commitment transcends the event, embracing diverse legal studies that ignite insightful exchanges. Enlisting globally renowned scholars on our Editorial Board, representing diverse East European perspectives, we epitomize knowledge and collaboration. Seamless online submissions combined with a rigorous double-blind peer review process characterize AJEE's transparent and efficient publishing journey. In partnership with the Scholastica platform, submitting manuscripts and navigating reviews is intuitive, minimizing publication timelines for maximum impact. Aligned with the conference theme, we unveil an upcoming Special Issue delving into the intricate nexus between legal and economic dimensions. This issue welcomes theoretical, empirical, and interdisciplinary contributions, melding law and economics for fresh insights. As a conference partner, we invite you to explore our journal, engage with our dynamic community, and contribute to shaping legal scholarship in East European countries and beyond. Uncover our mission and opportunities by visiting our website today. |